Today, we are all experiencing a unique and stressful time that many could never have anticipated. Social distancing has put our daily lives and livelihoods on hold. While it is unclear how long this pandemic will last, or what long term impact(s) it will have on our society, I think everyone will agree it is a matter of WHEN we will return to “normal” days rather than IF. Even though there are many things we have no control over during these times, it is important to remember that there are still things within our control and we should try to focus on them.
Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercises
Oftentimes, my patients have complained that they were unable to complete their therapies orexercises because they did not have enough time for it. I have also treated many athletes with year-round commitments who have had no offseason to rest and recover from overuse injuries. Manypatients have looked for that quick fix, like the pit stop at a NASCAR race that needed to get right backto the fray. However, many have underestimated “time” as a healer, because they believed that therewas never enough of it to spare. Today, time has been thrust upon us unexpectedly because mostthings like school, work, social gatherings, events, and athletics have all been put on hold.“Time” is not necessarily passively waiting for things to heal. “Time” includes the daily 20 to 25 minutesone can use to treat their low back pain by working on their core strengthening exercises that werelearned from their therapist or on the internet. “Time” includes the capsular stretching and rotator cuffstrengthening exercises that the baseball pitcher or tennis player can do every day while their season ison hold. Overuse conditions from the office, factory, or sports, we previously never gave a chance torecover, may finally have time to heal from this unplanned rest. For those whose surgery has been puton hold due to COVID-19, they have “time” to maintain or even improve their range of motion andstrength before their ACL surgery, Shoulder replacement, or joint replacement.
This pandemic has caused anxiety, stress, and unfortunately, tragedy for some. On the other hand, it isheartwarming to see many of us working and sacrificing together to care for each other during theseuncertain times. Life will become busy again. In the meantime, we all need to stay healthy until wereturn to normalcy. The physicians at Orthopaedic Associates are privileged to have the opportunity toserve our community. We are honored and blessed that our dedicated staff has continued to serveour patients even during this unpredictable time. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyoneagain.
David L. Lin, MD, FAAOS
Orthopaedic Surgery/Sports Medicine